Food Insurance Disaster Relief?
Why would anyone think of something like food insurance anyway? What could be the usefulness of such an idea?
Read More “Food Insurance | Disaster Relief | Review | Perspective” »
Reading Eggs FREE Trial Offer
Reading Eggs is the new reading educating method of tomorrow for today! For the skeptics, you can take advantage of a free trial and see for yourself how you can teach your child to read in 5 weeks with the online program that kids love!
Read More “Reading Eggs Free Trial | Review | Learning Today” »
Bogus Review Crackdown Appearance
Just about a week before the news of the FTC’s bogus review crackdown broke in the media, Shopper’s Briefer posted a blog about guru marketing rip-offs. This blog focuses on fake reviews published by supposed gurus of the internet slamming other products or services that compete directly with whatever it is they are selling.
Read More “Shocking Bogus Review Exposed | FTC Crackdown | Perspective” »
Scorpions For Breakfast Book Review
Scorpions for Breakfast, Governor Janice K. Brewer’s book, was released November 1, 2011. Indeed, it is stirring up the heat and getting things sizzling hot! The greeting on the Mesa, Arizona tarmac didn’t go so well. Well, maybe for her book. But not much for her relationship with the Obama administration. It could have been the heat of the day. Or it could have been the “heat” over her book that, according to its author, Governor Jan Brewer, is all about her personal battle with President Obama.
Guru Marketing Scams Clutter Internet Shopping
So here’s a perspective on assumed guru marketing scams; they all have something to sell you! From a shopper’s perspective, all self-proclaimed internet guru marketers want to sell you something that benefits only themselves in one way or another.
Read More “Guru Marketing Scam Awareness | Empower Your World” »
PIPA, SOPA Acts | Victory For Now
On Friday, January 20th, 2012, “victory for now” became us! The “internet” rose up and raised a voice of unprecedented levels to stop both the Protect-IP-Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) from being enacted as law, both of which introduced suppression of the innovation that has been birthed by the internet as we know it today.
Read More “Victory For Now | The Essential Moment | Protect-IP-Act” »
Protect-IP-Act Perspective
With the Protect-IP-Act, the free-enterprise marketplace finds itself under attack again! This time by The Protect Intellectual Property Act (S.968), more commonly known as Protect-IP-Act.
Read More “Protect-IP-Act S.968 | Not This Act | Perspective” »
Shoppers Briefer Introduction
Shoppers Briefer wants to say Hello World! Today, Friday, January 13th, 2012 is “Launch Day” for this “shopper’s briefer” blog site. Previously an insurance agent, I’m an FAA Certified Private Pilot, a traveler to common and uncommon places alike, always looking for the next adventure, and a consumer who loves snowboarding in the back country deep pow, fly-fishing quiet streams, cycling the back roads, sailing in vast open waters, and golf on any other day. I’ve scaled Mount Whitney while en-route to completing the entire John Muir Trail with some of the greatest guys I could have ever had the opportunity to grow up with.