
Early Learning Curriculum | Moving Your Child Ahead

Implementing Early Learning Curriculum Offers Advantages

Early Learning Curriculum for Kids -Moving Your Child Ahead

   In the age of high-tech, a good early learning curriculum for kids is essential if not critical to your child’s future. Success in life is never a guarantee for anyone! There are multiple variables that come along in life to challenge the soul in pursuit of excellence.

Which Way?

It may be a field of study or a chosen profession, the roads less traveled are fewer and far between without exposing your child to a solid early learning curriculum at an early age. At a time when illiteracy is reaching new demographic high points, it becomes more critical than ever before to teach your child how to read, write, and speak with clarity and comprehension. You can lay the foundation for your child’s future in ways that may not be so clearly defined today.

Evolving Teaching Methods

   Furthermore, with education continually being redefined, it becomes critical to be in the flow. Statistically, according to a 2009 research report by the Center for American Progress, 30 percent to as high as 60 percent of all freshmen require remediation. Remediation necessary as further preparation to getting through college level courses. This statistic accounts for about 31 percent of all students entering college. Students who are not ready for college level work at all! Another 46 percent are minimally ready (Improving Academic Preparation for College, Robin Chait and Andrea Venezia, 2009) .

   With the advent of the internet and all the high-tech gadgets and toys that seem to have followed, online and other early learning curriculum programs offering real substance have also become conveniently and easily accessible. What follows is a short list of just a few suggestions that may offer you the early learning curriculum you’ve been looking for:

Vinci genius

  Early Learning Curriculum for Kids -VINCI Logo Vinci genius is an award-winning provider of technology-powered tablets and early learning curriculum for kids ranging from years 1 to 9. The program provides both educators and parents with effective early learning solutions. Solutions for learning at school and at home. VINCI’s early learning curriculum is a good mix of interactive technology within a learning structure that translates into magic to children.

   ViNCi offers learning kits, learning toys, language DVD’s, accessories, and a full line of early learning devices. Devices like stand alone learning tablets or tablet and phone combo’s. The VINCI early learning curriculum for kids uses tools. YouTube, Google Play, Skype, and a VINCI exclusive kid’s library are just few.

Reading Eggs

 Early Learning Curriculum for Kids -Reading Eggs Reading Eggs is a fun online early learning curriculum focused primarily on reading with some math seeds as well. Learning to read is made not only interesting, but engaging. By utilizing reading games and activities that could only be implemented through the creativity the internet provides.

   iPad and Android compatible, this early learning curriculum offers individual one-on-one lessons. These lessons allow the child to progress at their own rate. Reading Eggs integrates the joy that children discover working and playing on a computer with a core reading curriculum of phonics and sight wording. Then throw in using interactive animation, songs, fun games, and rewards to boot. The result? Children ages 3 to 8 love it! Continue Reading

By BrieferBob

A free-lance writer, the author is an FAA Licensed Private Pilot. He received his first Bachelor of Arts Degree from Cal State University, Northridge. He was inducted into both the Golden Key International Honour Society and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society while pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Aviation Science at Utah Valley University. He's a traveler and a consumer who enjoys fly fishing, cycling, sailing, snowboarding, and golf on any other day. His writing offers briefings, advisories, alerts, and checklists for online shoppers.

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