Editorial / Opinion Legislative

Gun Related Deaths | Breaking It Down!

Gun Related Deaths | The Facts!

Gun Related Deaths _toonclip.com_Retrieved -*There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms. A hard figure that is not under dispute! As of June 22, 2016, the U.S. population stood at an estimated 324,059,091. With 30,000 gun related deaths occurring annually in the United States, if we take a hard look at the 2016 numbers, the most recent tracking, here’s what we find:

Briefings Legislative

Bogus Review FTC Crackdown | Perspective

    Bogus Review _Email Scam -Rip Offs  Bogus Review Crackdown Appearance

       The FTC [Federal Trade Commission] Bogus Review Crackdown seems to be in full swing. If you have paid much attention at all, by now it’s most certainly likely you are fully aware of the FTC’s bogus review crackdown on vendor websites that use false reviews, testimonials or endorsements coming at us in various form. All in an effort at selling us something that doesn’t, nor will ever, produce the results for which you, the consumer was hoping for.  

Books Legislative

Scorpions for Breakfast | Sizzling Hot

Scorpions For Breakfast -Gov. Jan Brewer  Scorpions For Breakfast Review

     Scorpions for Breakfast, Governor Janice K. Brewer’s new book released November 1, 2011, is stirring up the heat and getting things sizzling hot! The  greeting on the Mesa, Arizona tarmac didn’t go so well. Well, maybe for her book. It could have been the heat. Or it could have been the “heat” over her book that, according to its author, Governor Jan Brewer, is all about her personal battle with President Obama

Briefings Legislative

Victory For-Now | Protect-IP-Act, SOPA

Victory -Protect-IP-Act, SOPA -Victory-for-Now -CBSNews PIPA, SOPA   PIPA, SOPA Acts | Victory For Now

    On Friday, January 20th, 2012, “victory” became us! The “internet” rose up and raised a voice of unprecedented levels to stop both the Protect-IP-Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) from being enacted as law, both of which introduced suppression of the innovation that has been birthed by the internet as we know it today.

Briefings Legislative

Protect-IP-Act S.968 | Not This Act | Perspective

Protect-IP-Act -anti-protect-ip-act -ERROR   Protect-IP-Act Perspective

     With the Protect-IP-Act, the free-enterprise marketplace finds itself under attack again! This time by The Protect Intellectual Property Act (S.968), more commonly known as Protect-IP-Act.