Editorial / Opinion Legislative

Gun Related Deaths | Breaking It Down!

Gun Related Deaths | The Facts!

Gun Related Deaths _toonclip.com_Retrieved -*There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms. A hard figure that is not under dispute! As of June 22, 2016, the U.S. population stood at an estimated 324,059,091. With 30,000 gun related deaths occurring annually in the United States, if we take a hard look at the 2016 numbers, the most recent tracking, here’s what we find:

Briefings Consumer Alerts

Phone Scams | Methodology Of Attack

Phone Scams Prey On Emotion!

Phone Scams _WARNING!Phone scams are a thing of the past, and of the present…and of the future too! Sadly, as long as there is money to be gained from those who are foolish enough to fall for one, phone scams are here to stay.

Briefings Web Development

Temporarily Offline | Merchant Link Redirect |

Temporarily Offline Redirect Explained

About Shopper's Briefer -Old Orthodox Apocalypse Wall-painting from medieval Osogovo Monastery, Republic of Macedonia Source:

   What does it mean when you find yourself redirected to a page that tells you the site is temporarily offline? If you have been redirected to this page, it is because the link connected to the merchant you were seeking is temporarily offline.

Briefings Consumer Alerts

Boycott Autism Speaks | Why? | Perspective

Boycott Autism Speaks -Don't Speak For MeBoycott Autism Speaks Loudly!

   There is a trend to boycott Autism Speaks. The question is why? Why boycott Autism Speaks when it seems to at least on the surface provide support for such a heart touching issue?

Briefings Consumer Alerts Online Scams

Duping Social Media | Fake Likes & Follows

Duping Social Media -Like Us On FacebookDuping Social Media with Phony Clicks

    Duping social media has hit its peak! Maybe, not yet. Turns out, duping social media is a highly profitable scam. It isn’t enough that online consumers are getting duped into buying the more inferior product or service after reading the litany of bogus reviews put out by those touting their own product.

Consumer Alerts Web Development

STOPPING SPAMMERS | Free Practical Methods

 Stopping Spammers Using Free Practical Methods

  Stopping Spammers _Stop-SPAM-image retrieved 04.12.2018__  Stopping spammers is simple with these easy to follow steps contained within the content of this article. Whether you own a website for business or a site from whence you blog, stopping spammers is likely a major concern for you.


LinkedIn Profile Writing Service | ResumesPlanet

LinkedIn Profile Writing Service -ResumesPlanet LinkedIn Profile Writing Service Sets You Apart

What can a LinkedIn Profile Writing Service do for you? Whether it’s an entry-level, career change, professional, executive, military, or federal position you’re competing for, there is always limited availability.

In the job market, limited availability means limited openings! That means that more applicants are jostling for place to get any advantage possible over competing prospects. This is the norm in today’s competitive job search. 

     Seeking every bit of professional help you can find could be your greatest advantage. A professional LinkedIn profile writing service can be the help that can land you that sought after vacancy. It is more vital than you may presently perceive.

     A LinkedIn Profile Writing Service can set your résumé apart from the rest of the field. Highly qualified applicants are seeking that same placement. A great resume can give you the advantage to strike while the iron is hot. An old proverb alluding to imagery of the blacksmith says;

If he delays in shaping the hot iron while pliable, it cools and hardens and the opportunity is lost.  

     When it comes to getting your résumé out to social media sites like LinkedIn, you won’t find a better resume writing service! Free services include a list of International recruiting agencies, interview tips, and a list of the Top Ten job sites within your field of interest. But enough about the résumé service, let’s talk about Resumes Planet’s LinkedIn profile writing service.

     Whether you like it or not, old school or new, social networking plays an integral role in our lives. Be it twitter, facebook, Google+ or not, the influence has become undeniable. Now throw in a career seeking, professional oriented social network giant like LinkedIn, and you have a major player in the way social networking impacts the lives of job seekers and professionals alike.

     With more than 200 million registered users, LinkedIn is today’s most powerful turn-key method by which to set up your online identity and create a network of career-like-minded contacts of your own. And that LinkedIn identity reaches worldwide into over 200 countries.

 LinkedIn Profile Writing Service -Entry -ResumesPlanet     LinkedIn is today’s leading recruitment tool. It has become the headhunters’ tool of choice. LinkedIn is used by job placement agencies, career headhunters, and corporate recruitment firms alike. It is undeniably the elephant in the room when it comes to how you’re going to market yourself effectively and with the success you’re looking for.

     Based on these facts alone, having an effective LinkedIn profile as only a professional LinkedIn profile writing service can provide isn’t simply important. It’s crucial for competing in today’s competitive job market.

     If set up correctly, your LinkedIn profile becomes just as important as your professionally written resume. Containing the same information but with the added advantage of publishing an associated skill set. This allows headhunters to target qualified candidates more selectively, using LinkedIn as a screening tool for determining which candidates are most qualified for a first interview.

     With LinkedIn established as the unrivaled virtual marketplace for both sides of the interview, both local and global job seekers are flooding to the LinkedIn doorstep. Job seekers are realizing the benefits of posting a personal profile that becomes ready to avail to over 200 million registered users for viewing. There lies the incredible potential for you to be seen by all the right human resource people. This undeniable reality makes the need for a professional LinkedIn profile writing service you can trust.

     LinkedIn basic membership is free and comes with gaining access to professionals worldwide. There’s no better return on your job search budget. Resumes Planet LinkedIn Profile Writing Service will give you the network presence necessary to compete in today’s job market. The LinkedIn profile writing service team can give you the assurance your profile will give you the job market exposure you could only dream of before now!


Briefings Online Scams

Guru Scamming | Gimmick Marketing | Review

   Guru Scamming Takes Center Stage   Guru Scamming Online -Dollar Signs     

   Guru scamming and gimmick marketing seems to be here to stay, at least for a while. With legitimate ways on how to get a home based business going online, I’m not saying that all of them are scams or gimmicks.