Consumer Alerts Web Development

STOPPING SPAMMERS | Free Practical Methods

Spam Stopper Sites to Know About

Stopping Spammers -Project Honey Pot -logo

   There are a few URLs you should know about. Get on these sites and educate yourself with the information they each provide. It’s more than beneficial at keeping you guarded from spammers and fake emails users. These sites, all of which are mentioned by the Stop Spammer Registrations plugin developer, are:

    • Project Honey Pot is a great source of protecting your site from fake users and other spammers!
    • Block Disposable Email Addresses! You should review the information available to you on this site. You may not wish to subscribe. If you so choose, the information will offer an awareness you may not have considered before.
    • BotScout is another “verification” of what type of email you are dealing with. A good resource to keep bookmarked!


In conclusion, registering to use these sites are free. There is nothing to buy. Nor do you need to retrieve an API Key to be able to use their services. The Stop Spammer Registrations plugin suggests retrieving an API Key only as an added beneficial feature available within that plugin itself. I have personally activated the API Key features with each of these sites. This allows me to report spammer activities as a way of giving me a sense of fighting back. Fighting against these spammers! The plugin does a fantastic job of stopping spammers before they can ever reach the doorsteps of my website.

   Tired of the spamming? These are way to take charge of dealing with stopping spammers! check it out! Let me know what you think.


By BrieferBob

A free-lance writer, the author is an FAA Licensed Private Pilot. He received his first Bachelor of Arts Degree from Cal State University, Northridge. He was inducted into both the Golden Key International Honour Society and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society while pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Aviation Science at Utah Valley University. He's a traveler and a consumer who enjoys fly fishing, cycling, sailing, snowboarding, and golf on any other day. His writing offers briefings, advisories, alerts, and checklists for online shoppers.

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