Briefings Consumer Alerts

Phone Scams | Methodology Of Attack

Phone Scams Prey On Emotion!

Phone Scams _WARNING!Phone scams are a thing of the past, and of the present…and of the future too! Sadly, as long as there is money to be gained from those who are foolish enough to fall for one, phone scams are here to stay.

Briefings Consumer Alerts

Boycott Autism Speaks | Why? | Perspective

Boycott Autism Speaks -Don't Speak For MeBoycott Autism Speaks Loudly!

   There is a trend to boycott Autism Speaks. The question is why? Why boycott Autism Speaks when it seems to at least on the surface provide support for such a heart touching issue?

Briefings Consumer Alerts Merchant Services

Merchant Services Payment Methods Evolve |

Merchant Services Payment Methods Evolve with Technology

Merchant Services Payment Methods Evolve_Merchant Services _Harbortouch POS

   Consumers are about to realize changes in the way they complete their purchase at the point of sale transaction as merchant services payment methods evolve with technology. Technology that provides greater consumer convenience and, a higher level of personal security.

Briefings Consumer Alerts Online Scams

Duping Social Media | Fake Likes & Follows

Duping Social Media -Like Us On FacebookDuping Social Media with Phony Clicks

    Duping social media has hit its peak! Maybe, not yet. Turns out, duping social media is a highly profitable scam. It isn’t enough that online consumers are getting duped into buying the more inferior product or service after reading the litany of bogus reviews put out by those touting their own product.

Consumer Alerts Web Development

STOPPING SPAMMERS | Free Practical Methods

 Stopping Spammers Using Free Practical Methods

  Stopping Spammers _Stop-SPAM-image retrieved 04.12.2018__  Stopping spammers is simple with these easy to follow steps contained within the content of this article. Whether you own a website for business or a site from whence you blog, stopping spammers is likely a major concern for you.

Briefings Consumer Alerts Online Scams

Guru Marketing | Scams Online

Guru Marketing Scams Clutter Internet Shopping

Guru Marketing Scams

So here’s a perspective on assumed guru marketing scams; they all have something to sell you! From a shopper’s perspective, all self-proclaimed internet guru marketers want to sell you something that benefits only themselves in one way or another.

Consumer Alerts Uncategorized

Shoppers Briefer | Consumer Blog

Shoppers Briefer -Avatar Shoppers Briefer Introduction 

    Shoppers Briefer wants to say Hello World! Today, Friday, January 13th, 2012 is “Launch Day” for this “shopper’s briefer” blog site. Previously an insurance agent, I’m an FAA Certified Private Pilot, a traveler to common and uncommon places alike, always looking for the next adventure, and a consumer who loves snowboarding in the back country deep pow, fly-fishing quiet streams, cycling the back roads, sailing in vast open waters, and golf on any other day. I’ve scaled Mount Whitney while en-route to completing the entire John Muir Trail with some of the greatest guys I could have ever had the opportunity to grow up with.